Tickertape Social
Help investors learn from other investors
What is Tickertape
Tickertape (“TT”) is a content, information and analytical platform for stocks, ETFs, Mutual Funds and other investment products. TT offers various tools and/or services like stock screener - a tool to screen stocks based on various fundamental and technical parameters, Market Mood Index - sentiment indicator of Indian stock market, Learn - a portal for learning basic financial and economic terms etc.
The Problem
Social media apps are becoming a minefield of frustration for creators and consumers. They are broad, generalist and cater to anyone with an internet connection.
As a financial creator it becomes hard for them to connect directly with their users as they have to compete with a plethora of other contents generated based on users interests. Same goes for the user where multiple content creators from various domains compete for their attention.
Although there are financial groups on popular social media platforms, they don’t provide the contextual tools to share financial knowledge.
Discussing about finance with friends, following favourite financial influencers, consuming financial content are all spread out among various apps.
The Solution: TT Social
Tickertape (TT) Social is a social network where retail investors can have focussed discussions about finance, connect with thought leaders in the space to learn more about their investments. They can also build groups called Spaces to share their knowledge and tips with the rest.
Target users
Beginner investors
Seasoned investors
Finance content creators
What is the business opportunity?
Tickertape is in a position to drive focused and contextual conversations around personal finance and investing. This can help bring more investors or users who are new to investing into our community where they can have focused conversations.
Social will help TT acquire users quite early in the process
Social can drive engagement and keep users coming back on a daily basis
Can drive revenue through Space memberships and ads
Can exponentially increase user base
Shyam - Product manager
Sahib - Front-end developer
Sandeep - Front-end developer
Rakshit - Back-end developer
Som - Junior designer
Research, UX/UI design, Design Systems
Mobile app, Web app
Product Highlights
A dedicated area called a "Space" to enable creators and their followers have focussed discussions

A revamped profile page that showcases a lot more than just a profile pic and a name
A brand new Feed to keep track of and discover top posts from users favourite influencers

Widgets to create engaging data finance specific visualisations
Enable finance content creators to connect with their audience and monetize their expertise

Should TT Social be part of the Tickertape app or should it be a separate app on its own, like facebook or twitter?
We came to the conclusion that should be part of the Ticekertape app for the following reasons:
TT already have a user base of 60lakhs. With a seperate app comes the need to re-capture and re-educate users
Existing watchlist and asset analysis tools on Tickertape would augment Social to give it more utility.
People in general don’t want to download too many apps.
Generative Research

Litrature review
To understand who we need to design for. We divided our stakeholders into three categories.
Primary actors: Parents, Children
Secondary actors: Educators, Peers, Child psychologists, Tech companies
Tertiary actors: Government, Advocacy groups
View Stakeholder Map
Stakeholder interviews
To get a clear understanding the space of technology and its usage by children and parents.
Based on the research we came up with our initial challenge statement
Competitor analysis
To help reveal unconscious data, observe behaviour at home and explore the physical environment in which the interaction primarily takes place
Collecting feature related inspirations
To help reveal unconscious data, observe behaviour at home and explore the physical environment in which the interaction primarily takes place
Insights from the generative research
Insight 1
Currently users have to depend on multiple platforms to get relevant content. Twitter for short form content, Instagram for visually engaging content, Discord and Reddit for a more community driven experience.
Insight 2
Whatsapp groups with friends or family is another popular way people discuss finance
Insight 3
Users join these groups based on:
- Friends/family recommendations
- The popularity of the creator/influencer
- The creator they currently follow in other channelsInsight 4
Currently creators depend on screenshots to get their point across on various social median paltforms
Insight 4
Currently creators depend on screenshots to get their point across on various social median paltforms
Insight 5
Direct interaction with influencers is possible only on platform such as youtube thru paid superchats.
Jobs to be done based on the generative research
High level job
Enable users to openly discuss/consume/create financial knowledge. Currently all social media platforms are cluttered with other topics that also compete for user attention. Moreover they are not optimised to share finance related content.
Low level job
To setup an ideal environment by ways of finance specific tools, widgets and data to encourage quality dicussions.
Create a single space to reach all of the creators audience.
Help creators understand what their audience wants
Allow users to interact closely with experts.
Information Architecture
What dictates when POPO’s expressions change?
POPO’s expressions change based on the family’s total screen time in relation to the goal they set as a family.

App Onboarding User flow

Daily Use User Flow

Discussion-time user flow

Final physical prototype

The POPO Design System

Global color tokens

Alias Color Tokens: Label

Alias Color Tokens: Background

Alias Color Tokens: Border

Border Radius



Button Components

Grid & Layout

Framer 2023